Only 33 more days until Junior Nationals! Whoa… we know, it’s coming up fast and there’s so much to do! To help out a little bit we put together a “Stockshow Essentials List” All three of us grew up traveling to stockshows so we compiled a list of 10 things that everyone should have before takeoff to Tulsa.
- Speakers/headphones: A must for if you want to have a jam sesh with the crew or listen to your favorite playlist while blowing.
Here are our go-to jam songs
- “My House” Flo Rida
- “All I Do Is Win” DJ Khaled
- “Any Man of Mine” Shania Twain
- “Roar” Katy Perry
- “The Way you make me feel’ Michael Jackson
- Snacks: You never seem to have a full meal at a stockshow so snacks are a must for eating here and there.
Our favorites
- Emily’s Fav: Pretzel Goldfish and sweet tea.
- Emma’s Fav: Licorice and Gatorade.
- Leah’s Fav: Beef sticks and coffee.
- Comfy shoes: Let’s be honest we’re not wearing boots all day. Invest in some Sperry’s or Twisted X’s they will save your feet but just be sure to break them in first.
- Crock Pot: You learn very quickly that fair food is only good in moderation.
- Non-gravity chairs: Naps are a definite must, might as well make them comfortable.
- Revive and a Smart Sensation brush: You can never stop growing that hair.
- Hoodie: The fans can be strong, it’ll get chilly, be prepared and bring a hoodie. Oh and it also works as a blanket/pillow… double score.
- Zip ties and duct tape: You’ll need them. You always do.
- Drink Enhancer: Cattle can be even more picky with their water than we are about ours. #DramaQueens.
Some different options
- Kool Aid: 4/5 heifers say Fruit Punch is the #1 flavor.
- Water Filter: lets’ just hope no one walks away with yours.
- Molasses: Only if you want to be sticky all day.
- Your favorite hat: A multiuse wardrobe item- whether you need it to cover up your messy hair after standing in front of the fans all day or you need to ward off those friends taking Snapchats of you sleeping during your much-needed nap, a hat can be a lifesaver.
Hope we could help with the planning process for Junior Nationals. Now it’s time to start your “to-do” list and attempt to get everything finalized and ready. Comment below some of your stockshow essentials! #NJSS17 #SoaringWithShorthorns
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