Spotlight on liver abscess research highlights commitment to antibiotic stewardship
Key findings showcase impact of liver abscesses on beef industry
Shared-class antibiotics continue to be viewed, implemented, and regulated in the beef industry today. Consumer expectations and the new Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD) rule from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration are challenging producers to manage feedyard productivity and profitability while maintaining a high level of antibiotic stewardship. This challenge has resonated throughout the industry and motivated Elanco to focus on research to equip producers with the right tools to navigate these market dynamics — especially when it comes to managing costly diseases such as liver abscesses.
“Elanco is committed to increasing our overall understanding of the liver abscess disease complex. We are looking to gain a full and deep grasp of the disease state — from evaluation of causative agents and treatability of the disease, to the formation and regression processes. We want to understand all that we can to best help producers conquer liver abscesses at the feedyard,” said Casey Maxwell, Ph.D., Elanco technical consultant. “We are also involved in the evaluation and development of a vaccine approach to controlling liver abscesses,” Maxwell added. “A preventive solution like a vaccine could be a cornerstone in the evolution of new strategies and alternatives to using shared-class antibiotics to control liver abscesses.”
$2.5 Million Invested in Liver Abscess Research and Innovation
- Identification of a new animal model that mimics liver abscess formation in ruminants
- Re-evaluation of current liver abscess etiology
- Further understanding of liver abscesses in calf-fed Holsteins
- Further definition of prevalence and industry economic loss from liver abscesses
Tylan® difference provides added value to feedyards
In addition to focusing research efforts on innovative ways to understand liver abscesses, Elanco provides feedyards with Tylan®, a tool that adds value to operations by helping producers manage the liver abscess disease state.
Since producers began preparing for VFD implementation on January 1, 2017, Elanco sales representatives and technical consultants have provided individualized trainings and assistance to help streamline the new process for producers.
“Ensuring a straightforward and simple transition for our producer and consultant customers was a must for us,” said Maxwell. “We became very involved with industry outreach, customer interactions, and delivery of responsible use and stewardship messages to our clients. Safeguarding the responsible use of industry-beneficial, high-quality shared-class antibiotics is a responsibility that everyone in our industry should assume.” The high standards of Tylan deliver consistent, trusted performance through reliable efficacy, quality assurance, and support and services.
“At Elanco, we are dedicated to providing premier products that help keep money in our producers’ pockets. By protecting our product’s integrity, we defend the use of this shared class antibiotic in an industry that truly needs a reliable solution for liver abscess disease,” said Maxwell.
Producers can also count on Elanco to provide the Liver Check Service, which benefits producers by assessing liver abscess incidence, severity and economic impact in their day-to-day operations.
“By participating in the Liver Check Service, producers are supporting the industry’s knowledge of liver abscess trends on a regional and national level,” said Maxwell. “This data is also available on a customized basis, so producers are able to zero-in on their strategic and responsible usage of Tylan at their feedyards.”
Continuing antibiotic stewardship as a producer
Analysis of strategic Tylan usage in feedyards, as well as evaluating current management strategies to control liver abscesses, generates highly valuable information to further define the tools needed to protect cattle from liver abscesses in the future.
“Since 2014, Elanco has invested over $2.5 million in these projects. Our goal is to continue to work to identify opportunities to control a disease that costs the industry an estimated $386 million dollars each year,”1 said Maxwell. “If Tylan was removed today with no alternative, it is estimated that the industry would suffer a $1.4 billion dollar loss.1 The Elanco 8-point antibiotic stewardship plan is our roadmap for this journey.”
In 2015, Elanco released an 8-point antibiotic stewardship plan to outline global actions for the company to ensure long-term access to antibiotics for people and animals. This declaration continues to guide Elanco’s efforts in outreach, stewardship and innovation.
Grady Bishop, Global Market Access Director, speaks of the company’s commitment: “Elanco’s market access team engages with governments, regulatory bodies, food companies and non-government organizations to find solutions that ensure safe, affordable food choices for today’s consumers. All the company’s efforts — from the One Health industry summit to aligning 75 product labels with judicious use policies to the evaluation of 50 new product concepts — affirm Elanco’s commitment to maintaining market access and bringing customers alternatives for critical disease states, including liver abscesses in beef cattle.”
Key points
- Elanco has invested over $2.5 million in liver abscess research to identify viable strategies and alternatives to shared-class antibiotics for liver abscess control
- The Liver Check Service equips producers with the knowledge and data needed to ensure responsible use of Tylan and better understanding of the prevalence and severity of liver abscesses within feedyard operations
- Elanco is taking a leadership role within the industry to help defend strategic and responsible use of Tylan while searching for feasible alternatives
The label contains complete use information, including cautions and warnings. Always read, understand and follow the label and use directions.
Tylan: For reduction of incidence of liver abscesses associated with Fusobacterium, Necrophorum and Arcanobacterium pyogenes: Feed continuously at 8 to 10 g/ton of tylosin (90% DM basis) to provide 60 to 90 mg/hd/d
CAUTION: Federal law restricts medicated feed containing this veterinary feed directive (VFD) drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian.
1Elanco Animal Health. Data on file.
Tylan® is a trademark for Elanco’s brand of tylosin.
Elanco®, Full Value Beef TM, Tylan® and the diagonal bar are all trademarks owned by or licensed to Eli Lilly and Company, its subsidiaries or affiliates.
©2017 Eli Lilly and Company, its subsidiaries or affiliates. All rights reserved.
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