Plan to attend these activities hosted by the Kansas State University Animal Sciences and Industry Department during the All University Open House.


MANHATTAN, Kan. – The Kansas State University (K-State) all campus open house will take place on April 7 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Department of Animal Sciences and Industry, including the Food Science Institute, has several activities planned for the event.

The annual K-State Meat Science BBQ contest and Little American Royal (LAR) contest will take place at Weber Hall. The public is welcome to join the BBQ contestants for lunch at noon and then watch the LAR showmanship contest, which begins at 12:30 p.m. in Weber Arena.

Food Science Club will host the following activities in Call Hall 156:

  • Product Development — participants will learn about a food product that has been produced by K-State Food Science students. Strawberry jam will also be sold.
  • Corn Starch Slime — participants will create corn starch slime and learn about colloid systems.
  • Hand washing with glow germ — participants will see the differences between cleaning their hands with soap and hand sanitizer.
  • Trail Mix — participants will have the opportunity to make their own food product with various trail mix items.

The Rodeo Club and Food Science Club will be stationed at the College of Ag Hub located on the lawn in front of Waters Hall. The Rodeo Club will have roping activities and Food Science will host “Guess the Scent.”

Dairy Club will be passing out promotional materials and cheese samples in Call Hall, a poultry exhibit will also be on display at the entrance. The Call Hall Dairy Bar and Call Hall at the Union will be open in both locations from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Source: Kansas State University news release