by IBBA President Brandon Belt
Wow! Well, as I have said before, time flies when you are having fun! It’s already December. Where has 2017 gone?
It’s been a good year for Brangus. Membership is up, total herd reporting is up, and interest in Brangus genetics is up! Let’s keep the momentum going into 2018.
There have been a lot of challenging times for folks around our country this year, and no shortage of them occurred right here in Texas. But to the credit of the cattlemen and women out there doing what they do every day, life goes on. I am amazed at the resilience of folks who have lost a great deal, to regroup, refocus, rebuild, and move forward. I think a lot of it is the ability to remain positive, keep a positive attitude, make positive decisions, and speak positively. If you are going to stay in the cattle business very long, you have to develop some eternal optimism.
This year has been good to the Brangus breed. It has been an amazing fall sale season. Bulls, donors, show heifers, bringing in $35,000, $40,000, $45,000, $50,000, and up to $100,000! I have enjoyed watching the continued investment in our breed. This doesn’t happen by accident. The hard work and dedication of our Brangus breeders is continuing to move the Brangus breed forward. Our breed is growing, the value of our breed is increasing, and so are the opportunities.
Speaking of opportunities, the World Brangus Congress is fast approaching. The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, with our International Brangus Show, Annual Membership Meeting, Awards Banquet, sales, etc., will be here before you know it. Please contact the International Committee for ways that you may be able to help and participate in the World Brangus Congress. There will be opportunities to display cattle and to interact with our international guests at locations across Texas and the Southeast. Don’t miss out on this opportunity, it won’t be back in the United States for some time.
We will have a great time in Houston, don’t miss out! Make plans today to join us in connecting with our counterparts from other countries. It is a benefit for us and them, and helps us move forward with an opportunity to market more Brangus genetics around the globe.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!
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