Part 1
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Max Armstrong and co-host Steve Bridge hear a report from Delaney Howell from the Iowa Pork Congress where she hears from Curtis Meiers of the Iowa Pork Producers. Max and Steve get a market update from Mark Feight of the International Agribusiness Group.
Part 2
Max Armstrong and co-host Steve Bridge continue their conversation with Mark Feight of the International Agribusiness Group. Agricultural Meteorologist Greg Soulje looks at weather for the Western United States. The Best of the Farm Progress Show rolls on this week with a look at no-till equipment and parts from Exapta Solution with their Leah Lanie.
Part 3
Steve Bridge introduces a report from Lynn Ketelsen on E25 ethanol and the burgeoning market for high-octane vehicles that would use it. Max Armstrong gets a history lesson from champion corn husker Richard Humes about old-school methods of hand-husking ears or corn.
Part 4
Max Armstrong introduces a report from Patrick Haggerty about the impact of the new tax bill on farmers. The USDA’s Pat O’Leary reports from Ag Secretary Sonny Perdue’s visit to Pennsylvania where he laid out his farm bill principles to help guide congress. Agricultural Meteorologist Greg Soulje looks at weather for the Eastern United States. In Max’s Tractor Shed, Max introduces a 1979 Farmall 140 owned by Matt Holder in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Part 5
Max Armstrong and Steve Bridge chat with farm broadcaster Von Ketelsen at KCIM in Carroll, Iowa, about the frigid temps, trade and more. The segment ends with the Bayer Farm Challenge of the Week.
Part 6
Steve Bridge profiles Unity Christian FFA in Orange City, Iowa where they offer their flowers for a “free-will” donation. Member Robyn Byl talks about how they serve the community through vegetables they grow in their high tunnel. Greg Soulje offers his look at the weather for the week ahead.
Part 7
Colleen Callahan reports from the National Western Stock Show interviewing Angus Hall of Fame member and historian Tom Burke and Brian Curless, world champion auctioneer.
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