The BEEF Daily blog was created in 2008 as a way to create a place for our readers to connect with one another and share ideas about the beef cattle business. Our social media pages compliment our online BEEF community very well, with folks interacting on Facebook and Twitter each day.
Follow our Twitter account by clicking here.
Check out our Facebook page here.
Our readers are truly what make this magazine so great. We love hearing your stories, listening to your management strategies and exchanging ideas to implement in our own operations.
In turn, we hope the resources we share assist you no matter which part of the beef production chain you’re involved with. Whether that’s making breeding decisions, choosing the best methods to market fed cattle or working with retailers to promote beef and educate consumers, we strive each day to offer timely, accurate and relevant industry information that is useful to you.
In the last couple of days, our BEEF community has been having a little fun on Facebook. Earlier this week, Jamie Purfeerst, BEEF’s senior associate editor, asked readers to post the last cattle photo they have on their phone’s camera roll.
The response was immediate with dozens of folks sharing images from their ranches. We’ve loved browsing through your photos, and in the next couple of days, when Purfeerst comments “stop” on the comment thread, the last person to post a photo will receive a prize from us! The winner will be announced on Facebook, so stay tuned and keep posting those photos!
You can post your own image to be entered to win by going to the Facebook thread here. The post is pinned at the top of the page.
Check out this highlights gallery of 15 images that readers have posted so far.
Thanks for participating and making this community so great! We appreciate your interactions and look forward to hearing from you each and every day!
The opinions of Amanda Radke are not necessarily those of or Farm Progress.
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