Christmas is just a short week away, you may be busy shopping for last minute presents, prepping food, getting ready for holiday guests and maybe even posing your Elf on the Shelf for your kids to discover each morning.
If you aren’t familiar with Elf on the Shelf, he or she is a “scout elf” sent form the North Pole to help Santa Claus manage his naughty and nice lists. Families “adopt” a Scout Elf, and the Elf watches over the family and reports back to Santa each day leading up to Christmas.
READ: How to prepare and carve the perfect holiday roast
My kids are pretty young, so I haven’t felt the need to start this annual tradition just yet; however, parents have a lot of fun using their creativity to move the elf each day and create new activities and shenanigans for their elves to get into.
Bonus points to the parents who create farm and ranch poses. We recently shared on Facebook an example of an Elf on the Shelf pulling a calf, and immediately, others chimed in with their best ideas for an ag-themed elf activities.
We loved the ideas so much that we decided to share the photos in a gallery for you all to enjoy, as well.
View: Christmas elves get to work on the ranch
We would love to see more elf on the ranch ideas from you. Please, send me your best photos to [email protected] by noon on Wed., Dec. 20 to be entered to win a copy of “Courageous Cattlemen,” written by Robert C. de Baca.
We’ll continue to add photos to the gallery as we receive them, and we’ll announce the contest winner on the blog on Dec. 21.
I can’t wait to see what your Elf on the Shelf is up to! Thanks for participating!
The opinions of Amanda Radke are not necessarily those of or Farm Progress.
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