By Farm Progress staff
Maybe you haul equipment to a farm several miles away and wish you could haul more items at once. Or maybe your hobby is restoring antique tractors and driving in tractor drives. Maybe you wish you had a trailer that could hold more than one tractor, so a friend could go along with you and drive as well. Or maybe you wish you had a trailer that made it easier to load and unload equipment and tractors than your current trailer.
You will find trailers that serve these purposes in this lineup of trailers found by Farm Progress editors while looking for new products at recent farm shows. Sometimes a company introduces a bigger model, or sometimes it’s a trailer with features that weren’t on a previous model. If they believe it’s worth introducing a new product and you’re in need of a trailer, it might be worth checking out.
If you are in the livestock business or if you haul livestock for shows, either 4-H or open-class shows, there are a couple of new trailers in this lineup you will want to check out. One features a newly designed pen system that should appeal to producers with certain types of livestock and certain needs for hauling livestock from place to place or show to show.
Obviously, these aren’t the only trailers on the market. But they are the latest, newest models introduced by companies choosing to exhibit at these shows. If you’re checking out trailers you might want to check out these new models as well.
You will also find a dump trailer that can meet specific needs of your operation. Each trailer shown her has special features that makes it suitable for the use which it was intended to do. Contact the company at the number or website listed if you want more information about any of these trailers.
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