Producers have long lamented about missing the beloved beef checkoff television commercials, “Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner.” Popular in the 1990s, the jingle, slogan, deep voice over and hot, sizzling beef enjoyed by happy families were the perfect elements for a successful campaign.
Since then, checkoff funds have declined, and the cost of TV commercials skyrocketed. A greater emphasis was placed on using dollars to interact with millennial consumers online. The tactics, the budget and the audience had changed, and the industry has worked to evolve with it.
That’s what makes the revival of the Beef It’s What’s For Dinner campaign so genius. It appeals to millennials who grew up hearing the popular slogan.
Recently, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), using beef checkoff dollars, revamped the old slogan for a new social media campaign.
According to Alexandra Bruell for The Wall Street Journal, “The ad combines nostalgic elements, such as the tagline and narration that alludes to the ‘Old MacDonald Had a Farm’ nursery rhyme, with a more modern story line about how beef farmers and ranchers are using technology.”
READ: Beef is back for dinner as marketers woo nostalgic millennials
The ad highlights advanced technology use in the beef industry and how it’s applied to produce more, high-quality, great-tasting beef while using fewer resources. This modern beef production, the campaign implies, is great for the native grasses, wildlife, cattle and our dinner tables.
Alisa Harrison, senior vice president of global marketing and research at the Beef Association, told the Wall Street Journal, “We had an iconic brand with 25 years’ worth of equity. There are people out there in public dialogue that have an agenda. People were misrepresenting how beef is produced.”
READ: Beef is back for dinner. Thanks, millennials.
Consumers who view the online campaign are invited to check out the Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner website, where they can meet the ranchers featured in the ad, including Bear Valley Ranch, Easterly Ranches, Triple U Ranch and Tyson Beef Packing Plant. With great imagery and intriguing videos, the campaign dives into greater detail how beef gets from pasture to plate.
I think it’s a slam dunk for the beef industry and an excellent use of our checkoff funds. What do you think? Check it out and let me know your thoughts in the comments section below.
The opinions of Amanda Radke are not necessarily those of or Farm Progress.
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